Asdrubael Vect, 240
Haemunculi with Crucible of Malediction, 70
4x Trueborn with Blasters, 108
venom with additional splinter cannon, 65
5x Incubi, 110
Raider with Flickerfield and Disintegrator, 70.
2x Units of 10 Warriors Each, blaster and splinter cannon, on raiders, with Dark Lances and Flickrfields, splinter racks and shock prows 400
15x Kabalite Warriors, with one dark lance
10x Wyches,Hekatrix, 110
Raider with disintergrator, flickerfield,70
Fast Attack:
6x Reavers, two Heat Lances. 156 Points
3x Reavers, Heat Lance, 78
Heavy Support:
Ravager, flickerfield, shock prow,120
Ravager, flickrfield, shock prow,120
Ravager, flickerfield, shock prow, Dissies, 120