Here is a list I am working on for 1850, focusing on lots of fast moving units of Kabalites, while Wyches and Wracks tie up units or hold on to objectives, reavers focus on distraction and the occasional tank bust.
The Prince of Pain (counts as Duke Sliscus)150
I really like having re-rolls on my combat drug tables, and the Duke's shadowfield and 2+ poisoned weapons make him a tough nut in combat. His blast pistol can come in handy on occasion, but I don't count on it. Being able to Deep Strike all my raiders has proven useful on occasion against all reserve Nids or alpha strike armies.
Haemunculus, Liquefier, Agonizer, 80
4x Trueborn with Blasters, 108
venom with additional splinter cannon, 65
This is my stealth unit. Small enough so that they tend to be ignored in the thick of the fighting, but they pack one hell of a bunch. Extra cannon is always a must, 12 Splinter shots can lay down the hurt.
3x Grotesques, Aberation with Scissorhand 130
Raider, flickerfield, shock prow, 75
2x Units of 10 Warriors Each, blaster and splinter cannon, on raiders, with Dark Lances and Flickrfields, splinter racks and shock prows 400
These are my bread and butter. Lots of poisoned shots coming out of these units with some light anti tank in the form of blasters and raider-mounted dark lances.
10x Wyches,Hekatrix, 110
Raider with disintergrator, flickerfield,70
Fast Attack:
6x Reavers, two Heat Lances. 156 Points
3x Reavers, Heat Lance, 78
Heavy Support:
Ravager, flickerfield, shock prow,120
Ravager, flickrfield, shock prow,120
Razorwing Jetfighter, flickerfield, nightshield, splinter cannon and 2x Necrotoxin Missiles: 185