Also, here is what my list for that tournament is probably going to look like:
Arch Lector, AoMI, War Altar, Hammer of Judgment, Van Horstrum's Speculum: 305
Wizard Lord, Lvl4,Armor of Taurnus , Dispell Scroll: 270
Warrior Priest, Heavy Armor, Shield: 96
Warrior Priest, Heavy Armor, Greatweapon, 98
Captain, BSB, full plate, shield, 85
30 Swordsmen, Full Command, 205
Detachment: 15 Halberdiers, 75
Detachment, 6 Handgunners, 48
30 Halberdiers, Full Command, 170
Detachment: 15 Halberdiers, 75
Detachment, 6 Handgunners,48
30 Flaggalents, Prophet of Doom: 310
2x Cannons: 200
30 Greatswords, full command, 330
Helblaster, 110
My main concern is that all my lords and heroes are somewhat vulnerable, so I will probably be tweaking this list. I will be posting part-1 of my Empire troops analysis, and expect a battle report on Sunday, with an update on the Road to Korpslieb on Monday.
looking good buddy, how much more do you have to go?
ReplyDeleteTen more of the swordsmen's halberdierd detachment
ReplyDeleteFifty-five Halberdiers
Thirty Greatswords
A couple of warmachines
And my Wizard lord and BSB